Coarsening States

In using this model to design subgrid parameterizations you will need to coarse grain and filter states from a ground truth high resolution simulation. Here we present implementations of “Operator 1” and “Operator 2” as described in “Benchmarking of Machine Learning Ocean Subgrid Parameterizations in an Idealized Model.” The original NumPy implementation of these operators is available on GitHub and Zenodo.

%env JAX_ENABLE_X64=True
import abc
import inspect
import functools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import as cmo
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import pyqg_jax
env: JAX_ENABLE_X64=True

In order to reduce the resolution of our base model we will want to construct an identical copy while overriding its nx and ny parameters. To do this we write a function to extract the constructor arguments from an existing model object.

def model_to_args(model):
    return {
        arg: getattr(model, arg) for arg in inspect.signature(type(model)).parameters

With this function in place we can then replace the two resolution parameters with a smaller size to produce a coarsened copy of a large model.

def coarsen_model(big_model, small_nx):
    if big_model.nx != big_model.ny:
        raise ValueError("coarsening tested only for square shapes")
    if small_nx >= big_model.nx:
        raise ValueError(
            f"coarsening output is not strictly smaller (got {big_model.nx} to {small_nx})"
    if small_nx % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError(f"coarsening output should be even-valued, requested {small_nx}")
    model_args = model_to_args(big_model)
    model_args["nx"] = small_nx
    model_args["ny"] = small_nx
    return type(big_model)(**model_args)

We use this as a building block to create an abstract SpectralCoarsener class. This class provides two methods: coarsen_state which produces a state object with reduced resolution, and compute_q_total_forcing which computes a subgrid forcing based on the high resolution state input, an additive correction to the low-resolution updates.

We also add methods which are used to decompose this object so that subclasses can be registered as JAX PyTrees. Subclasses need only define the property spectral_filter.

class SpectralCoarsener(abc.ABC):
    def __init__(self, big_model, small_nx):
        self.big_model = big_model
        self.small_nx = small_nx

    def small_model(self):
        return coarsen_model(self.big_model, self.small_nx)

    def ratio(self):
        return self.big_model.nx / self.small_nx

    def coarsen_state(self, state):
        if jax.eval_shape(lambda s: s.q, state).shape != (
            raise ValueError(f"incorrect input size {state.qh.shape}")
        out_state = self.small_model.create_initial_state(jax.random.key(0))
        nk = out_state.qh.shape[-2] // 2
        trunc = jnp.concatenate(
                state.qh[:, :nk, : nk + 1],
                state.qh[:, -nk:, : nk + 1],
        filtered = trunc * self.spectral_filter / self.ratio**2
        return out_state.update(qh=filtered)

    def compute_q_total_forcing(self, state):
        coarsened_deriv = self.coarsen_state(self.big_model.get_updates(state))
        small_deriv = self.small_model.get_updates(self.coarsen_state(state))
        return coarsened_deriv.q - small_deriv.q

    def spectral_filter(self):

    def tree_flatten_with_keys(self):
        return [(jax.tree_util.GetAttrKey("big_model"), self.big_model)], self.small_nx

    def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children):
        return cls(big_model=children[0], small_nx=aux_data)

From the above base class we define two subclasses implementing our two sample coarsening and filtering operators.

class Operator1(SpectralCoarsener):
    def spectral_filter(self):
        return self.small_model.filtr

class Operator2(SpectralCoarsener):
    def spectral_filter(self):
        return jnp.exp(-self.small_model.wv**2 * (2*self.small_model.dx)**2 / 24)

Next, a of using these two operators to produce states of size 32 from high resolution states of size 64. We first roll out a trajectory at size 64, keeping only the last state.


base_model = pyqg_jax.qg_model.QGModel(

model = pyqg_jax.steppers.SteppedModel(

@functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=["num_steps"])
def roll_out_state(state, num_steps):

    def loop_fn(carry, _x):
        next_state = model.step_model(carry)
        return next_state, None

    final_state, _ = jax.lax.scan(
        loop_fn, state, None, length=num_steps
    return final_state

final_step = roll_out_state(
    model.create_initial_state(jax.random.key(0)), num_steps=7500

Using the base model from above we construct our one of each of our two operators. Because these have been registered as PyTrees they can pass through JAX transformations, such as jax.jit just like the arrays and model states.

op1 = Operator1(base_model, SMALL_SIZE)
op2 = Operator2(base_model, SMALL_SIZE)

def compute_small(op, state):
    return op.coarsen_state(state), op.compute_q_total_forcing(state)

We use our JIT-compiled function to produce smaller states and compute the associated forcing with each of the two operators.

big_state = final_step.state
op1_state, op1_forcing = compute_small(op1, big_state)
op2_state, op2_forcing = compute_small(op2, big_state)

Finally, we show the low-resolution states and forcing values next to the original high-resolution state.

q_vmax = max(jnp.abs(s.q[0]).max() for s in [big_state, op1_state, op2_state])
f_vmax = max(jnp.abs(f[0]).max() for f in [op1_forcing, op2_forcing])

fig = plt.figure(layout="tight")
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3)

# Plot large image
ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0])
ax.imshow(big_state.q[0], cmap=cmo.balance, vmin=-q_vmax, vmax=q_vmax)
ax.set_title("High Resolution State")

for i, (state, forcing) in enumerate(
    [(op1_state, op1_forcing), (op2_state, op2_forcing)]
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[i, 1])
    ax1.imshow(state.q[0], cmap=cmo.balance, vmin=-q_vmax, vmax=q_vmax)
    ax1.set_title(f"Operator{i + 1:d} State")

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[i, 2])
    ax2.imshow(forcing[0], cmap=cmo.curl, vmin=-f_vmax, vmax=f_vmax)
    ax2.set_title(f"Operator{i + 1:d} Forcing")